Showing posts with label Multiple Jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Multiple Jobs. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

PeopleSoft - What is the Person Model?

Person Model is a term to describe:

          The information that is tracked about a person
          Phone Numbers
          Email Addresses
          The relationship(s) the person has to the organization
          Core tables directly related to a person and the person’s organizational relationships

Person Model – Terminology

Person (EMPLID)
          Unique identifier for an individual entered into the system

 Organizational Relationship (PER_ORG)
          The relationships that an individual can have with the organization
          Contingent Worker
          Person of Interest

Person of Interest Type (POI_TYPE)
          A categorization of the Person of Interest relationships
          A person can have multiple POI_TYPES
          Some POI_TYPES require JOB information

Organizational Instance (ORG_INSTANCE_ERN)
          An occurrence of an organizational relationship
          Also referred to as an Employment Instance, a contingent worker instance, or a POI instance

Organizational Assignment (EMPL_RCD)
          A unique identifier for each relationship that a person has that requires JOB information

Substantive Job
          The first row added to an Organizational Instance

Additional Assignments (EMPL_RCD/ORG_INSTANCE_ERN)
          A concurrent assignment, in addition to and subordinate to, an existing assignment
Person Model

Organizational Relationships

          Employed and paid by your organization

Contingent Worker
          A non-employee who is part of the workforce
          May work under the terms of a contract
          Temporary Worker

Note:  Those with “indirect” relationships to the organization (dependents, beneficiaries and emergency contacts) were not converted to the person model

Person of Interest
          A non-employee who is not part of the workforce
          POI Types:
          External Trainee
          External Instructor
          Campus Solutions Person
          Student Refund (Job)
          COBRA Beneficiary (Job)
          Pension Payee (Job)
          Stock – Board Members (Job)
          Stock – Non-HR Employee (Job)
          Global Payroll Payee (Job)

Person of Interest Types
          POI Types entered through the CS components will automatically be assigned the Campus Solution Person POI type (‘00009’)
          POI Types entered through the HR module will give you the opportunity to select a POI type & then take you to a component to track additional information about the organizational relationship
          Organizational Relationships determine the HR transactions the person will be included in:
          search records
          selections for processing and reporting
          Every person must have at least one “Organizational Relationship – but can have more than one
          ORIGINAL HIRE DATE used to be on PERSONAL_DATA
          It was used to store the First Hire Date that the person had with the Organization
          Each Organizational Instance now has its own Original Hire Date
          ORIGINAL HIRE DATE is now displayed on Employment page

Other Person Changes

A Person Cannot be Created with a Future Date
          The first row in NAMES must be equal to the current date or earlier
          A Person can still be “hired” in the future (the first Job can have a future date)

Multiple Jobs

General Rules for Substantive Jobs
          The first row added to an Organizational Instance is the Controlling Instance or Substantive Job
          The Substantive Job:
          Determines Employment dates (Hire, Term, Service, etc.)
          Controls Additional Assignments
          If the substantive job is terminated, the additional  assignments will also be terminated
          One of the jobs (usually a substantive job) is flagged as the Primary Job for regulatory reporting 
          One of the jobs is identified as the Benefits Primary Job for benefits eligibility
          Org Instance Number equals Empl Record Number (displayed on Employment page)

Person Model – Key Benefits
          Central repository for all person related data
          A person can be entered without JOB information
          Enables a clear distinction between Employees and Non-employees
          Persons will have just one EMPLID even though they may have many relationships with the Organization
          Enables a clear distinction between Non-employees who are part of the workforce (Contingent Workers) and Non-employees who may be tracked for other reasons (POI’s)